Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Boyhood Home of Nathaniel Cooper - My Grandfather

For quite a while I have wondered where my grandpa, Than Cooper lived in Panguitch when he was a boy.  Recently I found a very good history about the Henrie Family written by descendants of John N. Henrie, who was Mary's brother.  Mary Henrie was Than Cooper's mother.  Click here for the link to this history.  

One thing that this history contains is the location of many of the Henrie Family homes in Panguitch.  The house that Grandpa lived in is no longer standing.  It was located at 152 East 200 South, three blocks east of the house where Than and Bell Cooper lived.    

Mary's mother and father (Christena and James Henrie) lived in a north-facing home about 14 East and 3rd South.  That home is also gone.

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