Thursday, December 20, 2012

Homes of Isabell Church Cooper

My grandmother, Isabell Church Cooper was born in a house at Three Mile Creek, which is 3 miles north of Panguitch, Utah.  She wrote in her personal history that it was a little Danish style house down by the river.  The day she was born, the roof blew off the house.  She and her family also lived in Spry at "the dear old farm," as Bell referred to it, until most of her brothers and sisters were born.  Spry is located about 15 miles north of Panguitch.  If I remember correctly, their farm was on the west side of the highway.  Bell's father then traded the farm to Mr. Joseph Beckstrom for a ranch in Little Valley and a home in Panguitch at 189 West 200 South.

This is a picture of the Little Valley ranch where the Church family lived during the summer.  The ranch is located about 10 1/2 miles from Panguitch on the road to Panguitch Lake (Hwy 143) on the right side of road. The Church family had cows and made cheese which they sold.  This picture was taken quite a few years ago.

The following pictures of Little Valley were taken in 2011.  The buildings are still standing.  The land looks much the same as I remember it.

The house below is located at 189 West 200 South in Panguitch.  This is the house that the Church family got in the trade for the Spry farm.  At one time it had a porch surrounding the front of the house.  

Church family home at 189 West 200 South.  Later became Than and Bell Cooper's home.

Isabell and Nathaniel Cooper lived in this home (below) when my mother was born (1930).  I believe they lived there for quite a few years before that too.  They lived here until Bell's mother died.  Bell had been caring for her mother in her old age, and when she died Than paid for her burial, so they became the owners the Church house (above).  The Cooper family moved into the house when my mom was 3-4 years old.

House where my mother was born.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Father: Donald J. Rosenberg

My Talk Given In Dad’s Funeral, October 23, 2010

The inscription on my mother’s and soon to be father’s headstone says “There is no greater blessing than belonging to a loving and loyal family.”  I am so grateful to have been blessed to have Don Rosenberg as my father.  You who are here today know Dad from your association in many different ways.  But I think we all know that he was a good and honest man.  I know him as a kind, loving father who loved his family dearly. 

Our home was such a pleasant place.  I never saw or heard my mom and dad argue.  They probably had their disagreements and were mad at each other, but they didn’t do it in front of us. My dad also did not let us kids argue among ourselves.  He said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”  So we never got in the habit of bickering with each other.  If I said, I hate something, dad would stop me and say, “Oh you don’t hate anything.” So one thing I learned from my dad that has helped me through my life is to be positive.  He always believed in me and that I could do anything I tried to do.
Me, Dad and Craig

Another thing that I learned from my father was that the family is very important.  My dad worked two jobs to provide for us.  He worked his day job, would come home, grab his surveying equipment, go out and survey for an hour or two, then come home, eat dinner and later that night at about 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. draw up or draft the survey by hand which took sometimes an hour or two.  In between all of that he had his church job, the lawn to mow, the yard to take care of etc.  He worked hard for us, but he always made time for us.  I remember my dad taking me to do lots of things, like going to the archery course, going swimming, and when I was older, motorcycle rides over Bear Trap in Settlement Canyon.
Our new Plymouth Fury

 Our family went on many wonderful vacations to many wonderful places.  Often we went with several other families.  Those were great times.  We had a trailer and beginning about Easter, we would go camping once a month or so. We would finish up our camping season around UEA.  During the summer we always went on a week-long vacation to some place, again often with other families.  I have to say that this is probably one of the reasons our family is so close.  We spent a lot of time together having fun.  Dad loved to get away in the outdoors and enjoy God’s handiwork.  He especially loved Southern Utah, because that is where he was from.
Camping at Antelope Flats at Flaming Gorge

He taught me that the gospel of Jesus Christ was important and that it would bring peace and comfort and true happiness to my life.  Just a couple of weeks ago when I was visiting Dad, he wanted to give me a Father’s Blessing.  I am grateful for that experience.    He told me while growing up that it was ok to make mistakes as long as I learned from them and didn’t make those mistakes again.  I could always tell my dad about my mistakes because I knew he would forgive me.  What a great example.

Dad was able to retire at relatively a young age which was wonderful for Mom and Dad because they were able to travel quite a bit and enjoy their grandchildren that were coming into their lives.  Dad was a fun grandpa.  He always did special things with the kids. He took them on camp outs in the trailer to Vernon Reservoir and let them drive the boat.  He took them hiking in the canyon.  He let them shoot his bb gun in the back yard.  They thought these activities were great, but the best thing was being with grandpa. 

I know that my kids were blessed to have him as part as their life.  When my husband died nine years ago, he was there to offer his love and counseling if they needed it.

Dad was always interested in history and geology.  Whenever we would go someplace, he would explain how that mountain was formed or tell us what kind of rock we had or tell us about the history of the place where we were. When he was working with the Soil Conservation here in Tooele his association with many of the farmers around the county exposed him to a lot of history of the area.  He heard about places like Iosepa, Gold Hill, Shambip County, etc. and he gathered these details in his head until later on in his life when he wrote about them.  Even a few days ago, my dad could recite details, facts and figures about places and projects he had worked on.  He had an excellent memory.

Dad joined the Sons of Utah Pioneers and Mom and Dad became associated with many people that they considered special friends.  They so much enjoyed the conventions and tours that they went on with this group.  They often talked about how glad they were that they joined the SUP and what a fine group of people they were associating with.

Mom and Dad had a group of friends that they enjoyed over the course of their life here in Tooele.  They called them their “crowd.”  They got together for New Year’s, summer fish fry’s and other activities for years.  As they have aged and some have passed away, the activities have dwindled, but the crowd’s gatherings still continue. 

If there were some highlights in Dad’s life I would say that they would be:  

Summer Tennis Trophies
  • Being a loving son, husband, father, grandfather, and brother.
  • Serving as a stake missionary since he never had the opportunity to serve a mission as a young man. 
  • In his career, when he was working for the Soil Conservation Service he acted as inspector on water projects in several counties.  He was the inspector on the dams built at Minersville, Pleasant Grove, and Vernon Reservoirs.  While inspector on the Vernon Reservoir he surveyed the pipeline and designed the Vernon land sprinkler system. I believe he was also inspector on the Tooele dam. 
  • Another highlight would have been obtaining his surveyor’s license. You see my dad didn’t graduate from high school or college.  After working many years having someone else sign his surveys, he went to night school and earned his license.
  • After retiring from the Soil Conservation Service he ran for Tooele County Surveyor which office he held for 20 years.  So you see, holding that office meant a lot to him. 
  • A major highlight in his life was meeting both President Monson, President Hinckley and President Faust.  He met one at a fireside he spoke at and the others at dedications for momuments that were placed in Skull Valley at Iosepa and during the dedication for Hilda Erickson.
  • Another highlight would have been the time he was asked to speak about the Polynesian Community of Iosepa in the Assembly Hall on Tablernacle Square.  There were hundreds of descendents from Iosepa in attendance.
  • Winning the Salt Lake Tribune “No Champs” Tennis Tournament.  He played in it several years before winning the coveted trophy.
  • A major highlight in his life would be his involvement in the SUP where he was one of the charter members of their chapter.  He was the president twice, he was the National Vice President over monuments which George talked about.  He was also asked to be the National President, but declined feeling that his health wasn’t up to it.  Like I said, it was a choice activity in their life.
  • Another highlight was that Mom and Dad were chosen as Outstanding Couple by the National Organization of the Sons of Utah Pioneers in 1991 for their involvement in the chapter and in their community.  They were awarded this honor at the national convention.
A funny story about dad’s involvement in the SUP:  While he was working on the Hilda Erickson project, he was so involved and he talked about Hilda all the time, I started calling her, “The other woman.”  He thought that was pretty funny too and started referring to her as such.  Well for some holiday, his birthday or Father’s Day, I had a t-shirt made for him as a joke.  I thought he would just think it was funny and never wear it, but he thought it was great advertisement.  He wore it all the time.  I told him jokingly Tuesday night before he passed away that maybe Hilda would even be there. He laughed and said, yea, maybe she would.

You could always tease Dad and have fun with him.  He and his friend, Ferrell Stewart had been deputized in the Senior Patrol for the Tooele County Sherriff and enjoyed taking a weekly drive out somewhere in Tooele County to monitor the roads. If they happened upon anyone in trouble, they could radio in to the dispatcher for help.  I told him that if he saw any trouble, he and Ferrell would run like Barney Fife.  So from them on he called his patrols, “Barney Fiffin’.”  He would say, “I’m going Barney Fiffin’ tomorrow.”

I am so grateful to have had such a fine man as an example in my life.  He taught me so many things, but mostly he loved me so much.  Like the inscription on my parent's headstone says, I was blessed to belong to a loving and loyal family.  Families are part of God's plan for us on this earth.  I am grateful He sent me to be part of the Rosenberg family.

When I was little, my dad would pay me a dollar whenever I sang in public.  I'm not such a good singer anymore, but this song says what I feel about my dad.  So this is for you Dad: 

(I sang the song, “My Daddy Reminds Me”)

I lived with my Heavenly Father
Before I was sent to the earth.
But I cannot remember the sound of His voice.
For that was forgotten at birth.
But Daddy when your arm’s around me
And I feel so safe in your love
I wonder do I hear in your voice
A sound like my Father above.

I lived with my Heavenly Father
Before I was sent to the earth.
But I cannot remember the look in His eyes
For that was forgotten at birth.
But Daddy when I look in your eyes
I seem to recall how it was.
God gave me a dear earthly father
So I would remember His love.

God gave me a dear earthly father
So I would remember His love.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom

Today would have been my mom's 82nd birthday.  I wanted to share the talk I gave in her funeral.  I lost my original copy, so I had to transcribe it from a recording made during the funeral.

(Before my talk, Jimmy Cooper (nephew) sang “The Wind Beneath My Wings,” and Kirsten Rosenberg (granddaughter) sang “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.”)

That was one of my mom’s favorite songs.  She played it on the piano all the time.  I would like to thank my cousin Jimmy for his song.  He is a truck driver and he drove clear from California to sing that song today.  My mom made her wishes known of the things she would like in her funeral, and she wanted a lot of music.  She wanted Jimmy to sing that song and it would have made her so happy to hear her granddaughters sing today in her funeral.

She asked that I would speak.  Anyone that knows me knows that I don’t like to speak, I would rather sing. With singing, you know the words and the music, and once you start to sing, you can usually get through it.

I feel it is an honor to say a few things about my mom. I hope that I am able to tell you the things that I would like to say about her because she is someone that I admired and loved so much.  If there is anyone I would like to be like it is my mother.

Whenever someone dies we talk about their good qualities and the things we admire about them. I’d like to take this one step further and say, what is something we can learn from the life of Faye Rosenberg?  I have written down a few things.

Be happy
Love others
Love your family

I’m going to begin by telling you something about my mom that many of you probably don’t know.  I think it is something that shaped her character and made her to be the caring, loving person that she was. When she was ten years old, she became lame and it was discovered that she had a hip disease called Perthese.  This disease is a deterioration of the hip joint and it causes limping and pain.  For a period of about five years she went through many kinds of treatment.  She was bedridden at times, she was in traction for awhile, and for a time when she was bed ridden, she had a full body cast from her chest down to her toes.  All this time she was on crutches and was not allowed to walk.  She also wasn’t able to go to school, she was home with her mother.  She wrote in her own words about this time,  “This was a very hard time for me, but now as I look back on it, what a privilege it was to spend time with my dear mother.  She and I had lots of fun together, she taught me to sing, also to play the piano, to sew, and she taught me all my school subjects in 6th grade.  I loved my mom dearly.  I like the saying of President Lincoln, ”For all that I am or ever hope to be I owe it to my angel mother.” She gave her all to me throughout my entire life.  Faith of my mother and my family played a great part in my ever walking again.”

I like this saying too.

On her last visit to the specialist in Salt Lake City, the doctor told her she might never walk again.  When she returned to her hometown of Panguitch, she had a Priesthood blessing and she was promised that she would walk again, and that she would become a mother in Zion.

Little by little she began the process of learning to walk again, first by getting rid of one crutch and then the other.  Her brother also encouraged her to walk.   He  was a World War II soldier serving in Europe.  He told her that when he came home again he wanted to see her walking.

My dad told me a story about this time in her life.  My mom went to dance with her mother.  She was about 14 years old and this was her first grown up dance.  She was sitting on a bench with her mother and a young man that was a friend of hers came up to her and asked her if she would like to dance.  She put the crutch under her bench and stood up.  With the help of this friend she danced for the first time in her life since she was a little girl. She leaned on him, and with his assistance she was able to dance.  She wrote what a thrill it was for her to be part of life once more.

She was able to walk again without crutches but her hip limited her activities the rest of her life.  I know that her hip caused her pain, but she seldom complained about that.  Her hip eventually deteriorated to the point that she had to have hip replacement surgery.   She dealt with not being able to do many physical things her whole life.  She suffered and she had a lot of pain, but she rarely complained. She was hardly ever irritable because of her condition. She had a lot of other health problems too, but she endured all this with dignity and with very little complaining.

I think the fact that she was handicapped part of her life shaped her character into being the caring and loving person that she was.  She felt compassion for people that were in similar circumstances. 

I remember whenever we were some place and she saw someone who was crippled, she would stop to talk to them and was always kind.  Whenever she saw someone in a wheelchair, she stopped to have some kind words for them and sometimes if the situation was right, she encouraged them to have faith that they might walk again. She taught me to have compassion for people who were in those situations and to never make fun of someone that was crippled. She had compassion for anyone that was suffering in any way.
My mother was a very happy person and she was a very fun person to be around. She had a great sense of humor. I wish I could repeat some of the stories she told and the funny things she did, but I wouldn’t do them justice.  So many people I have talked to the last few days have repeated the fun times they had with her.  She was the life of the party and she liked it that way.

My friends were always welcome in our home.  She loved them and they loved her.  She liked to make people laugh. It wasn’t hard to love my mom because she always made you feel good.

One of the things she loved most in life was music.  I remember Mom once saying she couldn’t imagine a world without music in it.

I remember spending many hours at the side of the piano singing while my mom played the piano for me.  She was always singing or humming a song.  Early in her life she began singing duets in programs.  Sometimes she sang with her sister or a friend, sometimes her mother or her brother.  She sang with the group The Joy Singers.  I asked one of them how long they sang together and they said about 20 years.  Singing gave her a lot of joy and satisfaction in her life.

Anyone who lived near her they could probably hear her playing the piano almost on a daily basis. They could probably hear her playing in the afternoon for hours.  As I mentioned before, her mother taught her to play the piano.  She wasn’t an accomplished pianist but she had a beautiful touch. Another gift that she had was that she could “play by ear.”  I thought she was a beautiful pianist, and whenever I sang, she was my choice for a pianist.  I can’t tell you how many times she played that piano as my accompanist and I stood next to it singing in a program or in sacrament meeting in this chapel. The first time I sang I was 4 years old. 

She played the piano in the Primary and in Relief Society for years. Music was something that gave her a lot of enjoyment.  She loved to go to musical programs especially if her grandchildren were in them.

It seems to me as I look back on the memory my mom, that she was almost always happy.  She was seldom grouchy or mad.  It is so nice to be around that kind of person.  Even when she didn’t feel well, she was always good natured.  What a wonderful quality to have.

There were some hardships my mother went through.  We lost my brother in an car accident when he was 21.  That was a really hard thing for her to get over.  I think if it hadn’t been for music and the Joy Singers, and her job at West Elementary that she might not have made it though that time.

Another thing I’d like to tell you about my mom was how she loved others.  She was always kind to other people.  She especially had an affection for people who were crippled and older people. She was really one of the most Christ-like people that I know.  In several instances when I was with her in the store and I saw her go up to someone who looked poor and she handed them some money and said you need this more than I do.  She was always calling on one of her many friends on the phone to visit, to give them some encouragement, to see how they were, or to cheer them up.

She loved to send cards to give someone a lift or to wish them happy birthday.  Just last month she sent out Thanksgiving cards to many of her family members, and tucked inside were pictures of her mother and father that we had recently found. She sent them because she thought that they would like to have them.  That’s how she was, always thoughtful. 

Because mom loved others they loved her.  This summer it was my honor to take my mother to Panguitch for her 60th class reunion.  She hadn’t been well for several months before that and she wasn’t sure that she wanted to go.  But we told her it wasn’t every year that you have a 60th class reunion.  When she arrived, all of her classmates came out to see her and they were so happy to see her.  They told her that they were so glad that she came.  It made her feel so good to know that she was loved. She came away from that weekend feeling that she was the queen of the ball.  I was so happy to be part of that happiness.  It was one of the best and most memorable trips that I’ve taken in a long time.  My mother was very loved in her hometown because she always made an effort to go see the people she cared about.

Part of loving others is being willing to forgive others.  Mom was a very forgiving person.  She was always willing to forgive someone who said something about her or to her.   She didn’t like to have disagreements with others.  I think that is a wonderful character trait.  One of my friends posted this on Facebook in memory of  Mom: “ I have learned that people will forget  what you said.  They will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

I would like to tell you about how my mom loved her family.  One of the things that she was proudest of in her life was her family. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother.  I feel so blessed to have been her daughter, and to have been taught unconditional love by her.  She was an incredible example.  I hope I can learn to be as patient and loving as she has always been.  

We were very close partly because I was her only daughter. We were not only mother and daughter, we were friends. She supported me in everything I did.  I don’t believe that many mothers and daughters have that kind of relationship.  Our relationship began at an early age.  We always enjoyed doing things together. We talked on the phone nearly every day.  She was my confidant, my biggest fan. 

About 10 years ago my mom gave me a memory book.  It details things about her childhood and things about me growing up.  When she gave it to me I thought it was nice, and I hadn’t really looked at it a lot in the last ten years.  But now that she’s gone, it means so much to me.  I’m grateful that she made it for me. It was just like her to do something so thoughtful like that and I’ll treasure it always. I have read it since she died, and it really does mean so much to me.

My mom loved all her family.   She dearly loved her mother and she always did all that she could to help her even though she lived in Southern Utah.  She loved all her brothers and sisters and had a close relationship with all of them and was concerned about their welfare.  She always made an effort to visit them when she could.  She was especially close to her two sisters who are here at her funeral today.  She was close to her many nieces and nephews, and she kept in contact with her many extended family members.
There are a lot of people and family members who would be here today if it weren’t for the weather or the fact that they are out of town.  Family was important to mom. 

Mom was a wonderful grandmother.  She was so excited to become a grandmother and she was proud of her grandchildren's achievements and activities.  She loved to spend time with her them.   She loved to have them stay at her house.  If there was ever a proud, doting grandmother, it was my mom. I hope her grandchildren know how blessed they are to have such a loving grandmother in their life.

There were many people who said to me in the last week, “What a terrible time to have a death in the family.  I bet you had a terrible Christmas”.  My daughter said something to me that I would like to repeat:

She said that she thought that Christmas this year had been more meaningful.  Christmas is not about giving.  It’s not about spending time with family even though that’s important.  Christmas is not just about the birth of the Savior.  Christmas is about the Savior, and the Savior’s gift to us is gift of the Atonement. He died for us that we might be able to live again.  Without that we could not be together again.  That brings so much peace to me to know that I can see my Mom again. I’m grateful for that knowledge.

My mom might not have been a scripture master.  She might not have been the person in Sunday School who answered all the questions.  She might not have bore her testimony very often.  But by her example she showed how to live the gospel:  How to love others, how to forgive, how to be compassionate and what was important in life.  I saw her on her knees every night before she got into bed.  I know she’s happy now.  What a wonderful reunion it must have been on Christmas Eve being reunited with my brother, Lynn.

Lastly there’s a song that I think has an awesome message.  It wasn’t a favorite of mom’s but it is a favorite of mine and the words go like this:

I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led to those who’ll help us most to grow
If we let them, and we help them in return.
Well I don’t know if I believe that’s true,
But I know I’m who I am today because I knew you.
Because I knew you I have been changed for good.
Well it may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me is made of what I learned from you
You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart.
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend.
Because I knew you, because I knew you
I have been changed for good.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

You Left in Autumn

You left in Autumn 
The leaves were turning 

I walked down roads of orange and gold. 

I saw your sweet smile 

I heard your laughter 

You're still here beside me every day. 
‘Cause I know you by heart.*

Dave Moss - October 29, 2001

Don Rosenberg - October 19, 2010

*Words from a song called "I Know You By Heart" by Eva Cassidy

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

William and Myra Myall Henrie, My GG Grandfather and GG Grandmother

William and Myra Myall Henrie are my great great grandparents through Than Cooper.  Than's mother was Mary Henrie Cooper.  Mary's father was James Henrie, and James' father was William Henrie.  Their history in a nutshell is that they joined the Church, lived in Nauvoo, Illinois (see my post on their property in Nauvoo)  and came west to Utah.  They first settled in Bountiful (Sessions) where he ran the gristmill.  He was asked to move to southwestern Utah to settle Panaca, but he felt he had moved enough.  His wife left with his sons and William stayed behind in Bountiful, where he died and is buried.  Myra settled in Panaca, then moved to Panguitch where she is buried.   

Picture courtesy DeAnn Tafoya Findagrave
This history was written by Callie O. Morley (great-great-granddaughter) and comes from - Family Histories.
William Henry or Henrie destined to be a Utah pioneer of 1847, came into this world with one of the most illustrious group of progenitors that any one could ask for having had five generations of notable grandparents in America before him.
He was of Scotch Irish descent. Michael and Jean Henry, who started the line in America, went from Scotland to Newry, a seaport town in Counties Down and Armagh, Ireland. From here they emigrated to Perth Amboy, New Jersey about 1716; lived there at Readington and Bedminister and died at Three Bridges, all towns of New Jersey.
Michael was a man of influence, a chosen free holder in 1734, and elder in the Presbyterian Church. He was the father of nine children and left valuable books, real estate and 712.80 pounds sterling to his heirs.
The oldest child of Michael and Jean was named William. He was probably born in Ireland about the time they left for America, or else at Perth Amboy, New Jersey just after they arrived about 1716.
One researcher follows William to Greenwich, Cumberland County, New Jersey. Another, Alex Harris, in his biographical history of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania says he became an influential man there. This source states further that he was the inventor of the screw auger, conducted a large gun manufacture and iron mongery. He became Justice of the peace, president of the county court, and a member of the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania in 1777. He was one of a committee who surveyed the Susquehanra and Lehigh Rivers to determine the best place for the big canal. During the days of the Revolution, his home was a meeting place for men of culture and intellectual standing. Thomas Paine, Benjamin West, and John Hart all spoke of having stayed at his home. He was one of the most active and influential assistant burgess of the Borough of Lancaster,
He was commissary of the regiment of troops raised in Lancaster County in 1775 which was destined to reinforce Arnold at Boston, and was a member of the Continental Congress from 1784 to 1786.
All through the Revolution he was very active on the side of the colonies.
He was a member of the Morovian Church, a shrewd business man, and possessed a strong and independent mind, yet his conscience was one of the most tender.
He married Hanna Cook of Frankford, Pennsylvania. They were the parents of six children.
Michael their second child was born about 1742 or 1746. He grew up and played an important part in the Revolutionary War. Family tradition states he became a general. He married Elizabeth and they became the parents of six children.
Daniel, the first child of Michael and Elizabeth, was born about 1780. It is thought he went west to Fayette and West Counties in southwestern Pennsylvania where his sisters Hester and Hannah married into the Douglas and Owens families, and perhaps later went south into West Virginia area.
At any rate we find Daniel in Wood County, West Virginia when that county was created in 1800. He was married to Sara Mundel (Mondel or Mandel are variant spellings) who was born July 16, 1778. He loved fine horses and raised many of them. He also owned a large tract of land at Big Run, Wood County, and lived with his family and their negro servants on the part of the land called Miller's Run. He was a noted U.S. surveyor and records are still preserved of many valuable surveys he made. He became a great land holder because he took part of his government pay in land instead of cash. His signature is found on numerous deeds prior to his death from typhoid fever in his early thirties,
Daniel and Sara were the parents of four children, Margaret, William, Rachel, and Daniel. The last being born a few days before his father's death January 17, 1805.
William, the second child and ancestor of the Utah Henries, is the subject of this sketch. He was born September 11, 1799. It is thought in Marietta Pennsylvania although it could have been in Marietta, West Virginia. There are records to establish the fact that his sister Rachel who was three years younger than he was born in Wood County, West Virginia.
William's mother was married to Jeremiah Brown December 24, 1806, about a year after the death of William's father. Mary J. Brown, a half sister, was born four years later, Harch 1, 1810.
William grew up in Wood County and helped his mother and family with their holdings. His sister Margaret married Joseph Pugh, a man both she and her sister Rachel loved, November 14, 1824. A couple of days later William Married Myra Mayall, but at widely separated places for William had gone out to the Ohio country and settled on land in Hamilton County, Ohio. 
Picture courtesy Ron and Juana Englestead  Findagrave
William's Uncle Arthur had gone out to the Ohio Country and taken up land and become a man of great influence and property as shown by the records. William probably followed him there, took up land and settled in Hamilton County in the southwest corner of the state at a place where the Ohio and Miami Rivers come together.
William and Myra met and were married at Cincinnati November 17, 1824. In due time they became the parents of seven children all born in Hamilton County Ohio. Daniel was the oldest being born November 15, 1825. James came next, being born September 18, 1827 at Miami, then Joseph born April 20, 1829 at Miami. Margaret was born August 26, 1331 at Colerain, Sara was born June 6, 1834 at Coleman and died October 6, 1836. Samuel was born July 27, 1836 at Blue Rock, Hamilton Co., and died June 29, 1843 (age about 5) at the same place. (The second child called Samuel not listed here)
Not much is known about Myra's father, but it is recorded that she was born at Saddleworth, York, England to Margaret Mayall on November 1, 1803. Family tradition says her father's name was John Mayall who was born June 22, 1745 and died December 26, 1835, but this is not substantiated. How, why, or when Myra came to America is not known. She said she had a dream one night and saw herself and a man being married, so that later when she met William Henrie she knew he was the right man for her and married him.
Myra was always a very industrious woman and never liked to see anyone idle. She was very talented and full of fun and dearly loved to ride horses.
William was a man of medium complexion. He had blue eyes, clear skin, medium brown hair, weighed about 160 pounds and was about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall. He had broad shoulders, strong muscles, and was of a strong wirey athletic nature and build. He was once challenged by a 200 pound negro for a wrestle The negro thought he would be a pushover, but when William pinned him very quickly the negro became very angry, said he was too rough and refused to fight or wrestle him again.
       He had owned a 110 acre grove of maple trees and various tracts of land in Wood County, West Virginia which he deeded to his sister, Rachel, and her two children, Roger and Melissa, when he decided to go out to Ohio. It is also recorded in deed book seven page 244 of Wood County that he released his share of the whole estate to his two sisters, Rachel and Margaret Pugh and charged them with the care of their mother, Sara H. Brown
William and Myra settled on the large tract of land on the Miami. Here they build a nice home and had a few negro servants. They built both a sawmill and a grist mill and planted many acres of grain for feed and flour. They built good strong wagons, and made and bought the best equipment of that time to help them in their work. Like their people before them, they both liked horses and acquired fine blooded stallions of the best breed they could get.
Their stables were known and advertised far and wide and breeders came from all over to buy horses for breeding purposes. William was a hard worker and often when he and the boys were working in the corrals or stables he would be reminded of his childhood in West Virginia. One incident he always liked to tell them about was the large stable of stallion of Grandpa Daniel that went on strike.
He said his father had a certain old negro who had been taking care of the animals. They behaved perfectly for him. Then something happened to him. He left the place and neither Mr. Henrie or anyone else could get the stallions to eat. No matter what any one did the horses would not respond. They seemed to be going down hill until Mr. Henrie became afraid he was going to lose some of them. He went to Pennsylvania and hired a certain old Dutchman to come down and take care of them.
The first thing the Dutchman did was to go in and pat all of the horses and speak kindly to them. Then he cleaned all the long mangers out thoroughly until nothing was left in them. He even swept them out and left them that way all day. The next day he took the horses out and worked them hard all day. The next day he gave them each just a little hay and a cup of grain and worked them very hard all day again. They started to look quite bedraggled and other help complained to Mr. Henrie that the Dutchman was killing his horses, so he was going to fire the man. The Dutchman said, "Just go on about your business, Mr. Henrie, and I'll have these horses back to normal in no time at all."
Each day for the next while he worked the horses hard. Little by little he increased their hay and grain until they were back to their old rations. From then on they had no more trouble. They would eat their corn, work harder and show off better for him than for Mr. Henrie or any one on the estate. It was also said they kept fatter and happier under his care from then on.
William and Myra belonged to the Methodist Church and when Parley P. Pratt and Samuel Smith came to their door preaching the gospel of the Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ, they at first were reluctant to listen. Then they met the Prophet Joseph Smith and said he was the most magnetic man they had ever seen. They had not thought to join the Church, but it seemed there was a power about the Prophet that seemed to take hold of you with both hands and draw you to him. You knew what he said was true. They were converted and held many cottage meeting at their home between 1837 and 1843.
When they accepted the gospel they went all out for it and did everything that the authorities asked them to do. First they were baptized July 17, 1842 in Hamilton County, Ohio by Andrew Lamoreaux. Then they sold as many of their holdings as possible, loaded up several wagons with their belongings, implements, and tools and sent them overland to Nauvoo in the care of servants, hired men, and their young son, James, who was sixteen years old.
Their oldest son, Daniel, did not accept the gospel at the time his father and the other members of the family did, so he stayed behind and took care of things left undone, then followed the family at a later date.
James and the men who went with him traveled from the state of Ohio and over the states of Indiana and Illinois. They encountered foul weather on their trip. There were several severe snow storms, extreme cold, and then high water in the streams and mud holes in the poor roads. Later there was a shortage of water in the prairie country. James remembered that at one time all the water they had to drink was some that had been scooped up in an old tar bucket hanging on the back end of the wagon. It had been caught up as they went through a creek further back. They were never so thankful for anything in their lives and never did water taste so good.
William and Myra and the younger children Joseph, Margaret, and Samuel went by boat down the Miami and Ohio Rivers, then up the Mississippi to St. Joseph where they had patriarchal blessings. At Nauvoo they settled down and became well established. They built and operated a grist mill and bought a farm.
The Prophet Joseph Smith owned three farms in a row at Nauvoo. He sold the one in the middle to William Henrie. From that day on as he passed by their place he would always stop in and rest and chat. Myra would give him a glass of cold milk, or buttermilk, or a baked potato, or a bun or cookie, or whatever she had handy. He would always bless the home and all those who dwelt there when he took his leave. William said he knew he was a true prophet of Cod because he could not be in his presence without feeling the influence and spirit of God which seemed to flow from him almost as heat does from a stove. You could not see it, but you felt it.
They became deeply involved in the Mormon trials and tribulations in Nauvoo. They were constantly in danger of violence from roaming mobs. Fear for their own lives and that of their family and friends was an ever constant companion to them whether working at the mill or on the farm--even in the temple of the Lord.
Nights which once had been a time of rest and relaxation became a veritable nightmare where fathers were yanked from their families and beaten or tarred and feathered and homes burned or ransacked. Sentinels were posted and a watch was kept night and day. William and his boys took their turns and this gave warning of a few minutes sometimes and saved many Saints from painful injury or death.
One night it was this five minute warning which helped their good friend Isaac Morley to escape through the back door, down through a corn field and up into a tree where he hid for ten days while men crazed by liquor and armed with knives and clubs searched for him. His children and friends crept through the corn field at night and hoisted food to him on a stick.
The family had not been Nauvoo too long in 1843 when Daniel followed them west. He still was not converted although he knew the leaders well. He helped his father and brothers keep watch and haul rocks and help in many ways in the building of the Nauvoo Temple.
All of the Henrie boys were of the rugged athletic type and all were fairly big fellows. Daniel was the smallest, but he was strong and wirey. They all loved to wrestle, run and jump and often did it in the less tense moments when they had time. The Prophet also loved and excelled in these sports. One day Daniel related he walked up to one of their high corral gates--it came to his chin as he measured it--then he walked back a little way, took a running jump, and cleared the gate easily. Daniel related that he often beat the Prophet foot racing and also at the high jump, but when the Prophet thought it was his turn to win, and he really tried, he could outdo them all.
Joseph Smith felt at home with the Henries and he never hesitated to ask for anything they had if he needed it. In fact, it was on Daniel's horse that had been borrowed from the Henrie stable that he rode to the Carthage Jail. The trip from which he never returnee alive. It was said the family waved to him as he and Brother Taylor passed the door. Again the Prophet blessed them as he raised his band in a gesture of farewell.
When the meeting was called to choose a new leader for the Church, William and his four sons, Daniel, James, Joseph, and Samuel were all present. They listened to the claims of all who thought they should preside at the Church's head, but when Brigham Young got up and spoke and the mantle of Joseph Smith fell upon him, they all testified that there was no question or any room left for doubt in the minds of all those present. As Daniel said, "As he began to talk he sounded like the prophet, and he took on the appearance of the prophet until we thought it was the prophet reincarnated. We thought he really had come back to us. We were never more wide awake in our lives, and yet there was his apparition before our eyes. It was a soul-stirring experience."
Many years later Marian, son of James, in talking to his father about it said, "Oh, Father, I think you were just having hallucinations." James brought one fist down hard into the other hand with a bang and said, "Hallusi---hell! I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. I was not asleep or dreaming, and I was not along. We all saw it, and heard it, and felt the spirit present. We marveled over it and talked of nothing else for days."
It was the final thing that convinced Daniel that the Latter-Day Saints church was true and divinely inspired. He went down and was baptized in the Mississippi river July 16, 1845 (Temple record)
The next four years were years of hardship and destiny for the the family as well as the great body of faithful God-fearing Latter-Da Saints. They had cast their lot with them. Plunder and persecution continued and all lived in fear of their lives until finally they moved from their homes and crossed the Mississippi on the ice in dead of winter and established themselves with the other Saints at Winter Quarters. Here their oldest son, Daniel, was made official night watch of all the community corralled cattle.
About this time the United States was having a great deal of trouble with the Mexicans in lower California. The President of the U.S. ordered Colonel Allen to recruit a number of men and go the the aid of our outpost there. He asked President Brigham Young for five hundred volunteers for a Mormon Battalion, and the request was filled, Daniel enlisted July 16, 1846 and was assigned to Company D under Captain Nelson Higgins. The whole camp turned out to a big afternoon social for them. They danced and sang and played and finally waved farewell to their loved ones. The drums beat and the flutes played, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" as they marched off.
Daniel's experiences and hardships on this longest march in history, his days of thirst and hunger and weariness finally ending in completion of mission, success in the gold rush, and eventual triumphant return to his people in Bountiful, Utah in 1849, is a story all its own.
His brother, James, took his place on the night watch when he left. William and his other boys planted wheat for the next season and made living conditions as good as they could. They were living in wagon boxes and tents and crude hastily constructed shelters. Many were so tired, sick, and hungry that it made your heart ache.
William and his family had promised Brigham Young, and made a covenant with him before they left Nauvoo that they would use everything they had to forward the cause of the Church and help others with their means and do all they could for those less fortunate on the great march west. They had been slow to accept the gospel, but once they did, no sacrifice was too great to make for it. They still had good strong horses and wagons and the boys were all expert drivers and horsemen which was a distinct advantage on this great journey.
In the spring of 1846 President Young had already chosen a number of men to go with him west to the Rockies to find a suitable place for the members of the church to settle where they could worship God as they wished unmolested. William was a good woodsman, a fire marksman, and hunter. He had good horses and wagons. He had been chosen as one of the second fifty to go with this group, and was assigned to the fifth ten group under Captain Goddard. The other men in his group were Tarlton Lewis, Henry G. Sherwood, Zebedee Coltrin, Sylvester H. Earl, John Dixon, Samuel H. Marble, George Scholes and William Empy.
When the raising of the battalion was asked of the Mormons, President Young had to delay their departure, but when the company finally set out William left his wife and daughter, Margaret, in the care of his three younger sons, James, Joseph, and Samuel. They took care of things until the following year when Brigham Young came back to Winter Quarters to head his second company back to Utah.
There were one hundred and forty men plus three women and two children on the first historical trip. All were given their duties to perform. William was assigned duties as a scout. He with other scouts would ride ahead of the main company and decide where rivers could be most easily crossed, where camp sites were near feed and water, where hostile Indians were least likely to attack them, and many more things.
Since William was not one to talk much about himself, very little of his personal experience is known, only those that applied to the group as a whole and were recorded by someone else. However, he did scratch his name, with others, on the wall of an old cave in Wyoming and family tradition says that he rode into the valley of the Great Salt Lake on July 22, 1847 with Brother Pratt and others, and that a few days later he also helped to scout the Great Salt Lake.
He was there when they laid out the city and decided there should be city lots and plots for farm land. He helped build the old Utah fort, which was located where Pioneer Park is today and which was constructed partly of logs and partly of adobe. He helped the Saints get located in it for their own protection, and was one of the first speakers in the old Bowery which they made of willows. Church records specifically mention him as one of those who talked Sunday, April 26, 1849 when a special prayer and fast meeting was called. This was probably in the Bowery on Tample Square. Others who spoke that day were President Isaac Morley, John Taylor, John Smith, William Major and John Murdock.
He went with Parley P. Pratt to scout Utah Lake, Cedar Valley, and Tooele Valley (Ref. Andrew Jensen) and later in 1849 volunteered and was one of the fourth ten out of fifty men to be chosen by Parley P. Pratt to go with him when he was commissioned to explore Southern Utah by the governor and the Legislative Assembly of the State of Deseret They explored and traveled the country between Salt Lake and the Santa Clara River and went where white men have never been before.
On their return they were caught in a terrible snowstorm. Snow was four and five feet deep on the level. Horses Jumped and drug their bellies in it. of his friends became sick with chills and fever. William's feet were frozen and there was a shortage of food for both man and beast. After more than two months of terrible hardship they finally made their way home and were terribly glad to get there. William was set apart as councilor to the bishop of the First Ward, and for a short time lived in the old Eighth Ward which was near the present City and County Building in Salt Lake. In his scouting about he had seen the tall grass and good feed in the meadows north of Salt Lake. When the Church authorities decided early in the year of 1848 that he should go help Perrigrene Sessions settle what later became Bountiful, he was pleased,
He was given or homesteaded land and built a log house and took advantage of a spot on his ground by which the creek ran and here built a pond with a mill wheel. He would fill up the pond at night, then saw logs and timber until the water was all gone, then customers would have to wait for a couple of hours for the pond to fill before he could start sawing again.
His wife, Myra; daughter, Margaret; and sons, Joseph and Sam left Winter Quarters in the second Brigham Young Company under Captain Heber C. Kimball flay 29, 1848 and arrived in Utah between September 20 and 24, 1848. Their son James came later with Captain Allen Taylor and Samuel Snyder Company. He worked his way by driving a team and wagon.
William's family had all wanted to be located in Salt Lake, but all were sent to the Sessions (Bountiful) settlement with their father. They looked over the rich grounds, abundant feed and streams of water. They too could see it as a land of opportunity. All the boys were allotted or took up more land and worked it. They put seeds into the ground which grew and were not destroyed. In fact, they grew enough wheat that year that in spite of the terrible hazards and crickets, James and Sam arrived in Salt Lake with a huge load of wheat which they gave to the Church for its temple workers. It was all four horses could pull. It was more precious that gold to the Saints at that time. They were blessed by the Church authorities for this kindly act and promised that never would their families be without flour in their homes. This blessing was literally fulfilled.
William next established a grist mill up in the east mountain on Stone Creek. He was always very particular about everything he did and he was always tinkering with his machinery to see that it ran smoothly and just right. Meanwhile Myra assembled children about her and again took up her old job of teaching school.
When the big celebration was held in Salt Lake on the Twenty-Fourth of July in 1849, all of the Henrie family went to the city to celebrate. William marched in the parade as one of the original pioneers. All the Church authorities, bishops, etc., had their special places. Isaac
Morley lead the Nauvoo Legion members and everyone cheered and shouted and slapped each other on the back and gave vent to much patriotic feeling. They then met in the old willow Bowery for prayers, songs, speeches, and finally lunch from their picnic baskets. Many a fried was visited, including the George W. Bradley family, and a most happy day was enjoyed by all.
William's home was located just behind or right near the old Third Ward chapel in Bountiful. He and his boys had helped to build this church and it was said to be the oldest in the state. It was dedicated in 1857 and was first called North Canyon Ward, the Bountiful Ward and still later the Third Ward Chapel.
William's neighbors had been the Cooks and Prescots. Later the Zolers and Marts lived in his house. It was located about four or five blocks east of Main on Fourth North.
William had always been very fond of his sister Rachel and her two children, Melissa and Roger. Through all the trials of moving steadily westward, he had kept in touch with them and urged them to join the Church and come west too. When Melissa got married and started west in 1855, Rachel came with her.
They left Williamstown, West Virginia and traveled by ox team to Sidney, Freemont, Iowa. Here Melissa's son, Joseph, was born July 17, 1855. From there they made their way west with Captain Walker's company and settled in a cellar in Bountiful in 1857. Here with Rachel's help, Melissa gave birth to a daughter, Josephine, February 20, 1858. During the night water had run in covering the already cold, damp cellar floor, but inconvenience and misery was not new to them. They took it in their stride and did the best they could.
Shortly after this Alma Benson came to Bountiful seeking work. He met and married Rachel about 1861, and they left for Hyrum, Utah and lived in a wagon box while the fort at Camp Hollow was being built.
Rachel, her daughter, and William were the only members of their family to Join the Latter-day Saints church or to come west in this early period. Their young brother, Daniel, died in 1826 and their half sister, Mary Brown, married and moved away to Washington D. C., but the grandchildren of Margaret Pugh, and Rachel's grandson, George Wells Henry, still own and live on the Henry land. They take pride in its rolling green acres and on a little knoll on this land, enclosed by a small white picket fence, still can be seen the burial place of William's family.
By this time (1861) all of William and Myra's children were grown and married. Daniel had returned from the long terrible Mormon Battalion March and California Gold Rush in 1849. He had married Amanda Bradley October 29, 1849 at Salt Lake City, had bought a fine farm at Bountiful with some of his gold nuggets and then had gone on an eventful trip to Manti to see Amanda's folks and got caught in a terrible snowstorm. They were detained there for six weeks in Salt Creek, or Nephi Canyon, and almost lost their lives before they were rescued.
After their return home and the birth of their first child, Mary, Sept. 4, 1850 at Bountiful, they were called by the Church authorities to go to Manti and help with that settlement. Daniel understood and spoke the Indian language and was a great influence in keeping peace with the Indians. On several occasions when violence flared, Daniel took part in the encounters.
He raised the first fruit and nut trees, introduced the first turkeys and honey bees, and became a leader of both civic and church affairs of that city. He aided both spiritually and financially in the building of the Manti temple, being the greatest single cash donator.
He had 14 children by Amanda. On June 17, 1856 he married Susan Colman by whom he had 12 children.
Their son Joseph had married Susan Duncan January 29, 1851 and had three children (they had also lost 2). He had also taken another wife, Susannah Lesley in Bountiful about 1857 or 1858 when the church authorities sent him up to help settle Cache count,-. He settled at Millville about 1859. He later married a third wife, Olive Pitkin. He raised large families by each of the first two wives, and adopted one boy from the third, then later went into Idaho and helped pioneer the country around Rockland.
Their daughter, Margaret, married Moses Daley November 2, 1852 and had two children (one of whom died) before they moved to Springville, Utah. About 1859 they decided to move to San Bernardino. They had one child in Springville and four more after they reached San Bernardino, making seven in all.
They pioneered in San Bernardino and Riverside, California laying out and building roads and canals, plotting city streets, planting orchards, and vineyards and doing all they could for the growth and prosperity of these places. They were known far and wide for their generous hospitality. Out of love and respect for their achievements a monument was erected to them in the public square to do honor to them.
About 1865 'William and Myra and their other two sons, James and Samuel and their families were called on a mission by the Church authorities to go south to the "Muddy" and settle Panaca in the old Dixie Mission.
The boys had made several trips back to the Missouri River to give help to less fortunate families. They had mad a trip into Oregon to bring sugar factory machinery and equipment to Utah for the Church. They had helped fight Indians in Utah County and southern Utah besides trying to take care of their own affairs. With all the scouting and work William had done for the Church, he was quite upset and very unhappy about this latest call. So many time before he had labored long and hard to build something around him only to leave it for someone else as he steadily moved west. Now he was tired. He liked the place he had and the friends who lived near him. He probably felt too tired to do more pioneering. At any rate he refused to go.
Myra felt different, however. She thought that inasmuch as the Church had called them on this mission, they did not have the right to refuse. Since James and Samuel felt the same way about it, the call was heeded by them. There was a division of property. William gave them money, outfits, and provisions to make the trip, but he stayed in Bountiful,
James by this time had married Rhoana Hatch of South Bountiful on December 28, 1850 and had six children. He had recently married another wife, Christena Schow on December 6, 1861. They owned a nice farm and house, equipment and other property in South Bountiful. Samuel had married Isabella Ellis and they also owned land and a home, furniture, wagons, horses, etc., in Bountiful.
After the decision was made to go south, they all helped load up three large wagons with tools, machinery, household goods, clothing and seed grains. They took their families and all they had and left for Panaca. This was about 1861, or 1865. Myra went with them. They had a very hard trip with poor roads, storms, and mud holes. Shortly after their arrival Isabella gave birth to her second child in the wagon box in the midst of a rain storm. Rhoana and Christena held pans and tried to protect her from. the rain while Myra attended to Isabella and the baby in place of a midwife or a doctor.
The boys were having their troubles too. It seems there were some of the old Nauvoo mob members who had worked their way west and were working in the gold and silver mines at nearby Pioche and Caliente. On Saturday nights, or any other time for that matter, nothing pleased them more than to get all liquored up, then ride into the Mormon settlement of Panaca toting guns, whooping and hollering, and looking for trouble.
The Henrie families, as well as the other settlers who came with them, worked day and night to build a fort where they could all gather quickly for their own protection. Twice its worth paid off when the Indians wiped out the settlement.
In spite of all these troubles, Myra and her boys pooled their resources and together they started a store called the Co-op. Myra helped clerk and Sam and James would make two trips to Salt Lake each year to bring back freight and dry goods. They acquired these at very high prices-meat, eggs, butter, etc. from other freighters who brought them in. But in spite of how hard they all worked, or what they did, conditions proved to be very miserable for the families at Panaca.
They lived under the most trying conditions for six years, then the land was surveyed and it was discovered that Panaca was in Nevada and a dispute over taxes arose. They sought advice from the Church authorities on what to do and as a result they were released from this mission and told they could leave and settle where they wished, but it was the desire of the Church that they go over to help reinforce the settlement of Panguitch. They felt they were obliged to go there.
In the fall of 1871 they all moved into the old mud fort at Panguitch and stayed there for about three months. They had to protect themselves and help protect others from the Indians in this second settlement of Panguitch. As soon as possible, the Henrie boys were out building homes outside for their families, even against council. The Indians were still vary dangerous and treacherous anywhere in this area. James built the first real nice hewed log house with siding finish. Sam's house was the first brick one finished outside the fort. It was red brick, two stories, large, roomy, and quite a mansion, it was thought for this desolate country. He imported a mason from England to build it.
Partly because they had room, and partly because their family wasn't so large as James', Sam and Isabella invited Myra to come and live with them until they had time to build her a home of her own. She was only too glad to accept. She was of great help and consolation to them when the men had to be away freighting during their sedge of black smallpox. When it was needful for someone to stay at the home in the town while other of the family camped at the ranch, she stayed. She was never the type to be idle for a minute and immediately saw an opportunity to use her talents as a teacher again where it would do untold good. She became the first teacher in that part of the state.
Her sons built her a nice little home so she could do as she pleased. She moved into it and hired Gedski Schow, a fine young girl, to help her here and at the store. It was not long before her son, James took Gedski for his third wife and Myra began using her home as a school house and moved back to live with her son Sam and his family. She remained there for thirty years.
It is said that Myra was a very good disciplinarian and always kept a switch in the corner to use on unruly students if the occasion arose. No one of her students can ever remember of her having had to use it. She had a strong voice and persuasive manner that demanded respect. When she spoke she meant what she said and all her students knew it was best that they learn the lessons she assigned them, and they did. The switch was purely for psychology and decoration, but in those days it would have been used had it been needed.
Myra was the undisputed boss of her family even though they were grown. She was a wonderful woman with a brilliant mind and a great sense of humor. Her sons Daniel and Joseph took after her in this respect. She could always see the funny side of an incident and would laugh and enjoy the situation to the utmost. One time she warned her grandson, Harion, not to get into the corral with a certain big mean old ram. When he disobeyed her and the ram came full tilt giving him a bunt on the rear end that sent him rolling like a cartwheel clear out of the yard and under the pole fence, she laughed until the tears ran out of her eyes.
At Halloween time she used to like to dress up like a witch or a gypsy and tell fortunes or read palms, jig, play the harmonica, and in general have a good time.
Myra was sharp when it came to business, too, and hard headed when she was sure she was in the right. She had rare good judgment and had to be shown before she would give up and admit defeat in anything.
She invested heavily again with James and Sam when they pooled their resources and established the first mercantile store in Panguitch. James became superintendent of this institution and people Jokingly called the place, "The old sow" but it served the people well.
Myra had wanted William to pick up and go to San Bernardino, California to live when her daughter Margaret and husband Moses Daley were sent there to settle but William declined. Now James and Sam decided they wanted to establish a freight line between Panguitch and there. Myra enthusiastically helped them; and on one occasion after the water barrels were all filled up, the crates of eggs and bacon were in place and the six span of horses were all harnessed and ready to go, Myra climbed up on the seat of the prairie schooner and said, "Let's go, boys. I'm going to make this trip, too."
When she arrived it was double cause for rejoicing for her granddaughter, Myra Estel was being married. There was a big reception with friends gathered from all over. The bride was a vision of loveliness in white silk and Spanish lace. Long tables in the big hall were laden with delicious food. On the middle of the lace covered center table rested a huge yellow pumpkin, the largest Myra had ever seen. She just couldn't seem to take her eyes off it. She wondered why it was there and whatever was in it. The place was crowded. Men in their best black suits and ladies in satin and lace were everywhere. There was wine and fiddlers, singers and dancers, and everyone was having a good time. Then they took the lid off the big pumpkin and to Myra's surprise it was filled with all kinds and colors of luscious Juicy grapes from their own vineyards. It was the most festive and elaborate affair Myra had been to in her whole life.
The Daleys had made a name for themselves in California. Margaret was an especially bright and levelheaded woman. It was she who had drawn the plans for the first water storage system of San Bernardino. They were so well planned that they are still in use today.
Myra from the time of her youth in England had always loved horses and she and William had raised many of them in Ohio. Now it was only natural that she invest in some in Panguitch. She had her boys purchase some Percheron and Hamilton stud horses and some good mares in Salt Lake from Brigham Young and the Kimball boys, some they had brought out from the East and some they bought in California.
They put these with what they already had and raised horses and sold teams both for work and freighting. They also bred and raised stud horses, and racing ponies. The latter they would race on occasions of celebration. They even placed blooded stallions on the range in the Henry Mountains and built up the bands of wild horses which roamed there. They would round these up way down below the Arizona border along the Colorado River and as far north as Sheep Valley in Emery County, Utah. They would break them to the saddle or for whatever purpose they need them for. Some of the most beautiful stallions you ever saw came from this source and are movie material today.
Myra was always a very religious woman. She always attended church and paid an honest tithing down to the last penny. She donated heavily to the Church in other ways too, and was always on hand to help in case of sickness or death or in any way she could.
She was the first president of the Relief Society in the Panguitch Stake and gave many years of untiring service to this wonderful organization.
In her youth she was a well-built young girl about 5 feet 5 inches tall with blue eyes, medium brown hair, and fair complexion. She became quite plump as she grew older. She was a good seamstress good cook, and was extremely tender-hearted.
In her room, on an especially hand-made pedestal rested the big family Bible she had brought from Ohio. This was always a source of comfort to her. Day or night it was handy for her to read a verse of scripture or to look up a reference when she felt she needed it. Her room also boasted other pieces of hand-made pioneer furniture, each scratched with the history of travel, usefulness, and memories. None of these gave her quite the physical comfort of her big old fluffy feather tick. She had brought it across the plains and it seemed to her she had been sleeping on it all her life. A piece of sage advice she passed on to the brides of her family was, "Never leave the bed of your husband and start sleeping alone. Your chance for a long and happy married life will be greater."
Myra never returned to William in Bountiful, but the boys and grandchildren sometimes visited him, and many a grandchild was made happy when he let them play in the millpond or when he took a dime and hammered out a silver ring for them.
In his young days back in Ohio, it was said that William decided the surname of Henry was too common. It was always getting mixed up with given names, so he changed the spelling to Henrie and said, "From now on all will know that if they end the name with and 'ie' instead of 'y' they are my descendants or relatives."
After his wife and last two sons left him and accepted the mission call to Panaca, Nevada, William sort of became a recluse. He withdrew from public life and never mixed more than was absolutely necessary to carry out his church duties. He was known by the younger generation as a "good old man." Everyone respected him for his honesty and integrity. Everyone knew that when his word was given you never need hesitate to depend on it.
He worked and lived alone in his spotless little log house. He could often be seen grinding a little extra corn on a hand mill, or feeding and petting his cat.
He bought a lot in the Bountiful City cemetery on the second street running south. It was here he was buried after his death December 18, 1883.
His will deeded every bit of his property to the church. He left his surviving wife and children an old rocking chair and other beat-up pieces of furniture, his old clothes, and one dollar each. He probably felt that he had divided his property when his family went south, and since they had done well he would be putting what he had to greater good by helping the church. This indeed had been his first love since the day he embraced it.
Myra lived ten more years with Sam and his family. A few months before she died she went to live with James and Rhoana. She died February 3, 1893 and was buried at Panguitch, Garfield County, Utah in the lot belonging to her son Sam.
She lacked only eight years of having lived a century, but she lived to see a mountain, the Henry Mountains, and a settlement, Henrieville carry the family name. Names given as a gesture of love and respect for work, devotion and services of members of her family.
Thus ends the story of William and Myra Mayall Henrie whose progenitors came from the British Isles to help colonize the new world, and whose descendants have covered the continent as leaders of business, industry, and mankind. Each played their part and took their place in the great heart beat of America.
William's headstone Bountiful, Utah cemetery

Myra's headstone Panguitch, Utah cemetery